[ Filmography ]
IMELDA IS NOT ALONE A film by Paula Heredia Documentary. 22 min. |
The story of a teenager trapped in the legal system in El Salvador after being falsely acuses of having an abortion, and the ordinary people—doing extraordinary thing, who defend her.
Dirigida por Paula Heredia Producida por Larry Garvin
Música Original Daniel Freiberg • Pío René Suárez
Fotografía telefónica Paula Heredia
Fotografía adicional Claudio Tona • Frank Moreno • Israel Quijano
Productores Asociados Roberto Burgos • José Cohen • Marcela Goglio
Producida por Fundación Casa Clementina y Heredia Pictures
"EL TUCAN QUE INSPIRÓ A UNA NACIÓN" usa el caso del tucán Grecia quien perdió la mitad de su pico en un caso de abuso animal para celebrar a los rescatistas y científicos costarricense que se unen al equipo del inventor y padre de la tecnología de impresión 3D, Chuck Hull, para diseñar e implantar una prótesis que le permita a Grecia comer por sí mismo. La película también celebra los esfuerzos de los activistas, legisladores, y el mismo presidente de Costa Rica para transformar las leyes que protegerán a los animales salvajes y domésticos.
Slavery and the Law presents a clear timeline of major historical and legal events in the long saga of slavery and racial injustice in America. Viewing the law as a living process that can enforce as well as redress oppression, several scholars tell us about some of the most important events, people, and legal decisions that have shaped the legacy of slavery and racial discrimination in today’s society.
In the film, a group of African-American teenagers in Brooklyn explores the history of slavery and the law by creating a mural on the subject
In the film, a group of African-American teenagers in Brooklyn explores the history of slavery and the law by creating a mural on the subject
AFRICA RISING A film by Paula Heredia Documentary. 62 min. NTSC or PAL Available in English, French and Spanish Distributed by: WMM (www.wmm.com) Equality Now (www.equalitynow.org) |
LA PAJARA PINTA A film by Paula Heredia Fiction. 15 min. NTSC Available in English and Spanish Distributed by: Casa Clementina (www.casaclementina.org) |
THE PARIS REVIEW - George Plimpton A film by Paula Heredia and Albert Maysel Documentary. 30 min. NTSC Available in English Distributed by: The Checkerboard Foundation (www.checkerboardfilms.org) |
RALPH GIBSON Book Artist A film by Paula Heredia and Albert Maysel Documentary. 30 min. NTSC Available in English Distributed by: The Checkerboard Foundation |
THE MARRIAGE DINNER Produced by Paula Heredia jon. 30 min. NTSC Available in English Distributed by: Third World Newsreel (www.twn.org) |
THE COUPLE IN THE CAGE A film by Paula Heredia Documentary. 60 min. NTSC Available in English and Spanish Distributed by: Heredia Pictures. LLC (www.herediapictures.com) |
PORTRAITS OF CLEMENTINA A film by Paula Heredia Documentary. 15 min. NTSC Available in English and Spanish Distributed by: Casa Clementina (www.casaclementina.org) |
THE ALZHEIMER’S SERIES Edited by Paula Heredia Documentary Series. NTSC Available in English and Spanish Distributed by: HBO (www.hbo.com) |
ALIVE DAY MEMORIES Edited by Paula Heredia Documentary 75 min. NTSC Available in English and Spanish Distributed by: HBO (www.hbo.com) |
CHUCK CONNELLY NOT FOR SALE Edited by Paula Heredia Documentary 75 min. NTSC Available in English Distributed by:HBO |
The TRIALS OF TED HAGGARD Edited by Paula Heredia Documentary 60 min. NTSC Available in English Distributed by: HBO (www.hbo.com) |
El Espiritu De La Salsa Edited by Paula Heredia Documentary 75 min. NTSC Available in English Distributed by: HBO (www.hbo.com) |
Finding Christa Edited by Paula Heredia Documentary 55 min. NTSC Available in English Distributed by: Third World News Reel (www.twn.org) Winner Sundance Jury Award |
Texas Tennor: the Illinois Jacquet Story Edited by Paula Heredia Documentary 81 min. NTSC Available in English Distributed by: Rhapsody Productions (www.rhapsodyproductionsinc.com) |
Modulations: Cinema for the ear Edited by Paula Heredia Documentary 75 min. NTSC Available in English Distributed by: Caipirinha Films (www.caipirinha.com) |
THE ART OF THE DOCUMENTARY A Book by Megan Cunninghan featuring Paula Heredia “Consider this book a master class in documentary filmmaking. Megan Cunningham's interviews are incredibly engaging - she manages to at once explore each documentarians' creative process,” Distributed by: www.amazon.com |